
Хирургическое и консервативное лечение болезни Меньера

В диссертационной работе мною представлена новая теория происхождения приступов вестибулярного головокружения при болезни Меньера.

На основе этой теории о спазмах мышц барабанной полости, как причины приступов, разработаны новые методы консервативного и хирургического лечения. Они направлены на ликвидацию спазмов этих мышц и декомпрессию ушного лабиринта при гидропсе последнего (патент № 2289378).

Декомпрессия ушного лабиринта производится не посредством дренирования эндолимфатического мешка, а путём тимпаноосмотического метода. Это значительно упрощает сам метод хирургического вмешательства и предотвращает развитие возможных тяжёлых послеоперационных осложнений

Положительный результат в виде прекращения приступов головокружения и улучшения слуха достигнут более, чем у 90% больных, что значительно выше, по сравнению с традиционными методами хирургического лечения.


I´m Shvartsman Naum. I´m the doctor-otolaryngologist, a member of the Prosper Meniere Society, Cand. of Sc. (medicine). I live and work in Moscow. I´m an author of the own theory of the Meniere´s disease.
I have described a new disease and called it illness - “Myotonic Labyrinthine Syndrome”.
I have reported about it at the VI-th Congress of the otolaryngologists in Russia and in USA on the IV-th International Symposium the Prosper Meniere Society (Denver, St. Colorado). I have plenty of articles in the central magazines. Many of them are deposited in the Washington National library. I have offered a new of conservative and surgical methods of the treatment of the Meniere´s disease.
In the present time I do the surgical intervention, which I have offered.
This is the surgical operation for the sensoneural hypoacusis chronic secondary.
The results are very good. The methods are patented.

The greatest of the problems in otolaryngology are the neurosensory hypoacusis chronic and the Meniere´s disease. At present a new form of the neurosensory hypoacusis is described. This form was named “The sensoneural hypoacusis chronic secondary.
This illness is being formed, when the sounds cannot reach acoustical nerve. This happens when in the lymph of the internal ear arise the physical and chemical changes and changes in the connective tissue structures of the inner ear. But the acoustic nerve itself remains active. That is why the treatment must be directed to the normalizations of the physical and chemical compositions in the inner ear. I have offered such operation.
According to my theory the dizziness at the Meniere´s disease happens because in the middle ear the spasms of muscles arise. When the spasms of the muscles in the middle ear arise, the pressure in the inner ear becomes much higher. This happens unexpectedly and suddenly. The nerve receptions in the inner ear become irritated and this is the reason of dizziness at the Meniere´s disease. That is why the treatment must be directed on the liquidation of the spasms of the muscles in the middle ear. In the complex of the treatment it is necessary to include the musclerelaxants. The musclerelaxants is being given per os and by means of infusion into the middle ear.
Such is the medicinal treatment of the Meniere´s disease.
My method of the surgical treatment includes the crossing of the tendons of muscles of the middle ear and the normalisation the high pressure in the ear labyrinth. The positive result in the form of cessation of dizziness attacks and improvement of hearing is reached more 90% of patients, and this is considerably higher than by means of traditional surgical treatment.

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